Gaia Data Release 2
Documentation release 1.2
Executive summary
The second Gaia data release, Gaia DR2, encompasses astrometry, photometry, radial velocities, astrophysical parameters (stellar effective temperature, extinction, reddening, radius, and luminosity), and variability information plus astrometry and photometry for a sample of pre-selected bodies in the solar system. The basic number statistics of the contents of Gaia DR2 are as follows:
Data product or source type | Number of sources |
Total (excluding Solar system) | 1 692 919 135 |
Five-parameter astrometry (position, parallax, proper motion) | 1 331 909 727 |
Two-parameter astrometry (position only) | 361 009 408 |
ICRF3 prototype sources (link to radio reference frame) | 2 820 |
Gaia-CRF2 extra-galactic sources (optical reference frame) | 556 869 |
G-band (330–1050 nm) | 1 692 919 135 |
GBP-band (330–680 nm) | 1 381 964 755 |
GRP-band (630–1050 nm) | 1 383 551 713 |
Median radial velocity over 22 months | 7 224 631 |
Classified as variable | 550 737 |
Variable type estimated | 363 969 |
Detailed characterisation of light curve | 390 529 |
Effective temperature Teff | 161 497 595 |
Extinction AG | 87 733 672 |
Colour excess E(GBP-GRP) | 87 733 672 |
Radius | 76 956 778 |
Luminosity | 76 956 778 |
Solar system object epoch astrometry and photonetry | 14 099 |
The basic quality statistics of the contents of Gaia DR2 are as follows (where the astrometric uncertainties as well as the Gaia-CRF2 alignment and rotation limits refer to epoch J2015.5 TCB):
Data product or source type | Typical uncertainty |
Five-parameter astrometry (position & parallax) | 0.02–0.04 mas at G<15 |
0.1 mas at G=17 | |
0.7 mas at G=20 | |
2 mas at G=21 | |
Five-parameter astrometry (proper motion) | 0.07 mas yr-1 at G<15 |
0.2 mas yr-1 at G=17 | |
1.2 mas yr-1 at G=20 | |
3 mas yr-1 at G=21 | |
Two-parameter astrometry (position only) | 1–4 mas |
Systematic astrometric errors (sky averaged) | <0.1 mas |
Gaia-CRF2 alignment with ICRF | 0.02 mas at G=19 |
Gaia-CRF2 rotation with respect to ICRF | <0.02 mas yr-1 at G=19 |
Gaia-CRF2 alignment with ICRF | 0.3 mas at G<12 |
Gaia-CRF2 rotation with respect to ICRF | <0.15 mas yr-1 at G<12 |
Mean G-band photometry | 0.3 mmag at G<13 |
2 mmag at G=17 | |
10 mmag at G=20 | |
Mean GBP- and GRP-band photometry | 2 mmag at G<13 |
10 mmag at G=17 | |
200 mmag at G=20 | |
Median radial velocity over 22 months | 0.3 km s-1 at GRVS<8 |
0.6 km s-1 at GRVS=10 | |
1.8 km s-1 at GRVS=11.75 | |
Systematic radial velocity errors | <0.1 km s-1 at GRVS<9 |
0.5 km s-1 at GRVS=11.75 | |
Effective temperature Teff | 324 K |
Extinction AG | 0.46 mag |
Colour excess E(GBP-GRP) | 0.23 mag |
Radius | 10% |
Luminosity | 15% |
Solar system object epoch astrometry | 1 mas (in scan direction) |
The above uncertainties on the photometry refer to the mean magnitudes listed in the main Gaia DR2 catalogue. The Gaia DR2 parallaxes show evidence for a global zeropoint, in the sense Gaia - ’true’, of about -0.03 mas, which has not been ’corrected’ in the data (for details, see Lindegren et al. 2018; Arenou et al. 2018).
The data collected during the first 22 months of the nominal, five-year mission have been processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC), resulting into this second data release. A summary of the release properties is provided in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b). The overall scientific validation of the data is described in Arenou et al. (2018). Background information on the mission and the spacecraft can be found in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2016), with a more detailed presentation of the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) in Cropper et al. (2018). In addition, Gaia DR2 is accompanied by various, dedicated papers that describe the processing and validation of the various data products: Lindegren et al. (2018) for the Gaia DR2 astrometry, Riello et al. (2018) and Evans et al. (2018) for the Gaia DR2 photometry, Sartoretti et al. (2018), Soubiran et al. (2018), and Katz et al. (2018) for the Gaia DR2 spectroscopy (radial velocities), Holl et al. (2018) for the Gaia DR2 variability, Andrae et al. (2018) for the Gaia DR2 astrophysical parameters, Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018f) for the Solar-system objects, and Mignard et al. (2018) for the celestial reference frame. Four more papers present a glimpse of the scientific richness of the data in the areas of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018a), the mapping of the kinematics and large-scale structure of the Milky Way (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018e), parallaxes and proper motions of Milky Way satellite galaxies (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018d), and variable stars in the colour-magnitude diagram (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018c). In addition to the set of references mentioned above, this documentation provides a detailed, complete overview of the processing and validation of the Gaia DR2 data.
Gaia data, from both Gaia DR1 and Gaia DR2, can be retrieved from the Gaia archive, which is accessible from The archive also provides various tutorials on data access and data queries plus an integrated data model (i.e., description of the various fields in the data tables). In addition, Luri et al. (2018) provide concrete advice on how to deal with Gaia astrometry, with recommendations on how best to estimate distances from parallaxes. The Gaia archive features an enhanced visualisation service, described in Moitinho et al. (2018), which can be used for quick initial explorations of the entire Gaia DR2 data set. Pre-computed cross matches between Gaia DR2 and a selected set of large surveys is provided, with details described in Marrese et al. (2019).
Gaia DR2 represents a major advance with respect to Gaia DR1 in terms of survey completeness, precision and accuracy, and the richness of the published data. Nevertheless, Gaia DR2 is still an early release based on a limited amount of input data, simplifications in the data processing, and imperfect calibrations. Many limitations hence exist (as described in Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018b) and we summarise here the most important ones that the user of Gaia DR2 should be aware of:
The validation of Gaia DR2 was done in various stages and led to the decision to filter out parts of the available data processing results before publication. The applied filters are summarised in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b) and the details can be found in the data processing papers listed above, and in this documentation (Sections 4.4.3, 6.2.1, and 9.2.3, and Chapter 10).
The survey represented by Gaia DR2 is essentially complete between G=12 and G=17 mag. At the bright end, the completeness has improved compared to Gaia DR1. At G<7 mag, however, there are still many sources missing from the catalogue, primarily due to the difficulties of treating saturated CCD images. Fainter than G=17 mag, the completeness is affected by a combination of data processing limitations in crowded fields and the filtering applied before publication. Filtering based on the number of observations of a given source will lead to imprints of the scanning law in the celestial distribution of sources which is noticeable at G>17 mag. The various subsets of Gaia DR2, such as the radial velocity or variability surveys, are all incomplete to varying degrees with respect to the overall catalogue. More details on the survey completeness can be found in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b), Arenou et al. (2018), the papers listed above, and in Chapter 10. No attempt was made at deriving a selection function for Gaia DR2.
During the data processing for this release, including the astrometric and radial velocity processing, all sources were treated as single stars. This means that, for binary and multiple stellar systems, the astrometry and median radial velocity will be less accurate. Sources that are not single stars are not marked as such in the catalogue. The auxiliary information in Gaia DR2 does allow the identification of, for example, extragalactic sources but this should be done with care and only after verification on known samples.
The systematic errors in the parallaxes are estimated to be below the 0.1 mas level (Lindegren et al. 2018) but the following systematics remain. There is an overall parallax zeropoint which, from an examination of QSO parallaxes, is estimated to be around -0.03 mas (in the sense of the Gaia DR2 parallaxes being too small). The estimated parallax zeropoint depends on the sample of sources examined (Arenou et al. 2018) and the value above should not be used to ’correct’ the catalogue parallax values. In addition to a global zeropoint, there are also regional systematic errors as well as source-to-source correlations in the errors (which also affect the other astrometric parameters). The astrometric uncertainties are known to be underestimated and the bright star (G≲13 mag) astrometry is still limited by calibration uncertainties. More information is provided in Lindegren et al. (2018), Arenou et al. (2018), and Chapter 10.
Systematic errors also exist in the photometry (Evans et al. 2018) and in the radial velocities (Katz et al. 2018), where we note in particular a positive bias, with respect to other radial velocity surveys, which increases with source magnitude up to around 500 m s-1 at GRVS∼12 mag (see Section 6.5.2). The astrophysical parameter estimates in Gaia DR2 suffer from systematics related to the strong assumptions necessary to derive effective temperature and extinction from the Gaia broad band photometry and parallaxes only as well as limitations in the model grids that were used to train the machine learning algorithms employed in the data processing (Andrae et al. 2018).
The photometric colour information in Gaia DR2 suffers from systematics at the faint (G>19 mag) end of the survey, in crowded regions, and in the vicinity of bright stars. In these cases, the removal of the astronomical and stray light background contributions from the integrated fluxes in the BP and RP prism photometers was inaccurate, leading to overestimates of the fluxes in GBP and GRP. The result is that source colours for faint stars, in crowded regions, and in the surroundings of bright stars are unreliable. One should treat colour-magnitude diagrams constructed for these cases with care. The Gaia DR2 catalogue provides a field, phot_bp_rp_excess_factor, which can be used to judge the extent to which the photometry of a given source is compromised. More detailed information and guidance on cleaning samples from unreliable photometry is provided in Evans et al. (2018), Arenou et al. (2018), Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018a), and Section 5.5.2 and Chapter 10 of this documentation.
Radial velocities are only reported for stars for which the template spectrum used in the cross-correlation method has an effective temperature in the range 3550–6900 K. Radial velocities with absolute values above 550 km s-1 should be treated with care. See Katz et al. (2018) and Section 6.5.2 for more details.
The astrophysical parameters Teff, AG, E(GBP-GRP), radius, and luminosity should be used with care. It is strongly recommended to follow the guidelines for using these data provided in Andrae et al. (2018).
For closely aligned sources (separated by 0.2–0.3 arcsec), which are only occasionally resolved in the Gaia observations, confusion in the observation-to-source matching can lead to spurious parallax values which are either very large or have a negative value very far away from zero in terms of the formal parallax uncertainty quoted in the catalogue. These sources tend to be faint and located in crowded regions and are also associated with unreliable (large) proper motions (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018b). Guidance on how to clean samples from spurious parallax values is provided in Lindegren et al. (2018).
Gaia DR2 and Gaia DR1 should be treated as two completely independent catalogues. This is explained in detail in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b). In particular the photometric systems of the two catalogues are different (see also Evans et al. 2018) and the source list has changed substantially in the sense that many sources (some 80–90% at G<16 mag) have changed source identifier between Gaia DR1 and Gaia DR2. This means that one cannot look up sources from Gaia DR1 in Gaia DR2 on the basis of the source identifier. A table to identify the same physical source in the two data releases is provided in the Gaia DR2 archive. For samples of sources one should not use a previously calculated cross-match with Gaia DR1 but calculate a new cross-match with Gaia DR2. For several large surveys, pre-computed cross-matches are already provided in the Gaia DR2 archive (see Marrese et al. 2019, and Section 14.5).
Summary of miscellaneous links:
Gaia archive (data access);
Gaia DR2 Chapter 14 Datamodel description (table and field descriptions);
Gaia mission home page (news, user forum, images, publications, outreach material, etc.);
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- I Introduction to Gaia DR2
II Gaia data processing
2 Astrometric and photometric pre-processing
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Properties of the input data
- 2.3 Calibration models
2.4 Processing steps
- 2.4.1 Overview
- 2.4.2 Daily and cyclic processing
- 2.4.3 Raw data reconstruction
- 2.4.4 Basic angle variation determination
- 2.4.5 On-ground attitude reconstruction (IOGA, OGA1, and OGA2)
- 2.4.6 Bias and astrophysical background determination
- 2.4.7 Spectro-Photometric Image Parameters determination
- 2.4.8 Astrometric Image Parameters determination
- 2.4.9 Crossmatch processing
- 2.5 Quality assessment and validation
3 Astrometry
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Properties of the input data
- 3.3 Calibration models
- 3.4 Processing steps
3.5 Quality assessment and validation
- 3.5.1 Overview
- 3.5.2 Properties of the astrometric data
- 3.5.3 Source verification
- 3.5.4 Attitude verification
- 3.5.5 Geometric calibration verification
- 3.5.6 Comparisons of alternative solutions
- 3.5.7 Correlations in the Gaia data
- 3.5.8 Comparisons with space-based astrometry
- 3.5.9 Comparisons with ground-based astrometry
- 3.5.10 Astronomical checks of the data
- 3.5.11 Conclusions
- 4 Solar-System Objects
- 5 Photometry
- 6 Spectroscopy
2 Astrometric and photometric pre-processing
III Gaia data analysis
- 7 Variability
- 8 Astrophysical Parameters
IV Gaia catalogue
- 9 Catalogue consolidation
- 10 Catalogue validation
- 11 Cross-match with GDR1
- 12 Catalogue statistics and plots
V Gaia archive
- 13 Construction of the archive
14 Datamodel description
- 14.1 Main tables
- 14.2 SSO tables
- 14.3 Variability tables
- 14.4 External catalogues
14.5 Crossmatches
- 14.5.1 allwise_best_neighbour
- 14.5.2 allwise_neighbourhood
- 14.5.3 apassdr9_best_neighbour
- 14.5.4 apassdr9_neighbourhood
- 14.5.5 gsc23_best_neighbour
- 14.5.6 gsc23_neighbourhood
- 14.5.7 hipparcos2_best_neighbour
- 14.5.8 hipparcos2_neighbourhood
- 14.5.9 panstarrs1_best_neighbour
- 14.5.10 panstarrs1_neighbourhood
- 14.5.11 ppmxl_best_neighbour
- 14.5.12 ppmxl_neighbourhood
- 14.5.13 ravedr5_best_neighbour
- 14.5.14 ravedr5_neighbourhood
- 14.5.15 sdssdr9_best_neighbour
- 14.5.16 sdssdr9_neighbourhood
- 14.5.17 tmass_best_neighbour
- 14.5.18 tmass_neighbourhood
- 14.5.19 tycho2_best_neighbour
- 14.5.20 tycho2_neighbourhood
- 14.5.21 urat1_best_neighbour
- 14.5.22 urat1_neighbourhood
- 14.6 Auxiliary tables
- 14.7 Datalink tables
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
List of Figures:
- 1.1 Payload overview
- 1.2 Focal-plane layout
- 1.3 Detector layout
- 1.4 Science data evolution
- 1.5 Service-module overview
- 1.6 Scanning-law overview
- 1.7 Focal-plane temperature
- 1.8 Fractional-charge-loss results
- 1.9 Predicted end-of-mission first-pixel response
- 1.10 Example across-scan charge-injection profile
- 1.11 Example evolution of a serial CTI curve
- 1.12 Examples of prompt-particle events
- 1.13 Prompt-particle-event telemetry data
- 1.14 Comparison of prompt-particle-event fluxes measured in space
- 1.15 Solar activity
- 1.16 Focus evolution as function of time
- 1.17 Focus evolution over the field-of-views
- 1.18 Evolution of the telescope transmission
- 2.1 Example of a typical Point Spread Function
- 2.2 The PSF model used by IDT for 2D windows
- 2.3 The S-spline
- 2.4 Video chain offset versus measured total detection noise
- 2.5 Video chain total detection noise as measured from prescan sample fluctuations
- 2.6 Electronic offset level in AF2 on row 4 of the Gaia FPA
- 2.7 Detail of variation in electronic bias in device AF2 on row 4
- 2.8 IDU, AGIS, and PhotPipe system operation
- 2.9 BAM overview
- 2.10 Schematic overview of the attitude processing
- 2.11 Example large-scale background models
- 2.12 Example charge release curves
- 2.13 Example across-scan charge injection profiles
- 2.14 Reference systems used in crossmatch
- 2.15 Spurious detections of two scans of Sirius
- 2.16 Spurious detections from several Saturn transits
- 2.17 Cat’s Eye Planetary Nebula (NGC 6543)
- 2.18 Detection grouping in the crossmatch
- 2.19 Sky region checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.20 Photometric checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.21 Attitude and motion checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.22 Attitude correction checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.23 Attitude rate checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.24 Monitoring of readout noise per CCD
- 2.25 Monitoring of astrophysical background per CCD
- 2.26 Astrometric image parameter checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.27 Preliminary crossmatching checks in daily pre-processing
- 3.1 Overview of the astrometric processing
- 3.2 Global astrometric model
- 3.3 Layout of the focal plane assembly
- 3.4 Definition of the heliotropic spin phase Ω
- 3.5 Schematic view of the BAM CCD with acquisition windows
- 3.6 Organization of the cross-correlations of the BAM data
- 3.7 Fringe shifts derived from BAM data
- 3.8 Fringe shifts derived from BAM data (zoom)
- 3.9 RMS residuals of the model fit to BAM data
- 3.10 Model fit to a jump in BAM data
- 3.11 Pseudo-colour versus effective wavelength
- 3.12 Definition of observation lines in field angles
- 3.13 Time axes for the geometric instrument calibration
- 3.14 Quantities derived from the observation index
- 3.15 Observation lines in local plane coordinates
- 3.16 Chromaticity and the locations of images in the the pixel stream
- 3.17 Overall outer AGIS-PhotPipe-IDU iteration scheme
- 3.18 Cross-match validation: error histograms
- 3.19 Validation run with chromaticity calibration, AF 1–4
- 4.1 Time distribution of SSO observations
- 4.2 SSO time distributon (detail)
- 4.3 Avoidance regions for SSO detections
- 4.4 AC versus AL position uncertanties
- 4.5 General design of the data reduction pipeline
- 4.6 Distribution of the semi-major axes of the selected SSOs
- 4.7 Sky distribution of the selected SSOs
- 4.8 Positional differences SSO positions
- 4.9 Right ascension differences
- 4.10 Declination differences
- 4.11 Number of transits
- 4.12 Number of transits per day
- 4.13 Magnitude distribution
- 4.14 Solar elongation
- 4.15 Along scan velocity
- 4.16 Across scan velocity
- 4.17 IPD bias
- 4.18 An example of a transit of an SSO.
- 4.19 The error-magnitude relation.
- 4.20 IPD centroid bias
- 4.21 Random AL O-Cs for SSOs
- 4.22 Random AC O-Cs for SSOs
- 4.23 Zooms on AC O-Cs for SSOs
- 4.24 Systematic AL O-Cs for SSOs
- 4.25 Systematic AC O-Cs for SSOs
- 4.26 Random AL O-Cs for bright SSOs
- 4.27 Systematic AL O-Cs for bright SSOs
- 4.28 Flux variation for a sample of six SSO transits
- 4.29 Transits of (36) Atalante
- 4.30 Non-filtered colour indexes of SSO
- 4.31 Averaged Colour indexes of each SSO
- 4.32 Final, colour-based rejection filter for SSO
- 4.33 Phase-mag, all transits
- 4.34 Histograms of phase - mag data
- 4.35 Histograms of phase - mag slopes
- 4.36 Correlation histogram of phase - mag data
- 4.37 Role of quality of data points
- 4.38 Phase interval vs. slope
- 4.39 Magnitudes of (39) Laetitia
- 4.40 Magnitudes of (283) Emma
- 4.41 Magnitudes of (704) Interamnia
- 4.42 Magnitudes of (28887) 2000 KQ58
- 4.43 Magnitudes of (40) Pomona with and without rejection filter
- 4.44 High-resolution shape models of (21) Lutetia and (2867) Šteins
- 4.45 Measured magnitudes of (21) Lutetia and (2867) Šteins.
- 4.46 Measured magnitudes of (21) Lutetia and (2867) Šteins
- 4.47 Modelled magnitudes of (21) Lutetia
- 4.48 Modelled magnitudes of (2867) Šteins
- 5.1 Photometric calibration summary
- 5.2 Definition of SSC bands
- 5.3 SSC dependency with colour
- 5.4 Initialization of photometric reference system
- 5.5 Spectro-photometric standard star (SPSS) spectra
- 5.6 Examples of stray light maps
- 5.7 Synthetic G magnitude distribution of the SPSS
- 5.8 Nominal Colour Terms
- 5.9 Calibrated pass bands
- 5.10 Zeropoints
- 5.11 Hipparcos diagrams
- 5.12 Tycho-2 diagrams
- 5.13 SDSS diagrams
- 5.14 SDSS diagrams
- 5.15 Relationships between Johnson-Cousins and Gaia systems
- 5.16 Relationships between Johnson-Cousins and Gaia systems
- 5.17 Relationships between 2MASS and Gaia systems
- 5.18 Relationships between 2MASS and Gaia systems
- 5.19 Relationships between 2MASS and Gaia systems
- 5.20 Relationships between GSC2.3 and Gaia systems
- 5.21 Relationships between GSC2.3 and Gaia systems
- 5.22 Residuals Photometric Laws
- 5.23 Epoch spectra for a SPSS source
- 5.24 Epoch spectra for an emission line source
- 5.25 Photometry Uncertainty Distribution
- 5.26 Excess Flux sky map
- 5.27 Excess Flux high lat
- 5.28 Excess Flux nearby
- 5.29 Excess Flux bulge
- 5.30 Excess Flux Globular
- 5.31 Excess Flux Lmc
- 5.32 Excess Flux Qso
- 5.33 Excess Flux Bright
- 5.34 Excess Flux Simulations
- 6.1 Trending Epochs
- 6.2 Pipeline workflows overview
- 6.3 Straylight map
- 6.4 RVS spectrum of a wavelength calibration star
- 6.5 STA flowchart
- 6.6 Barycentric velocity correction
- 6.7 Wavelength-calibration model
- 6.8 Radial velocities accuracy
- 6.9 Radial velocities precision
- 6.10 Six spectral types
- 7.1 Gaia DR2 variability processing overview
- 7.2 Gaia DR2 variability classifier training
- 7.3 CU7 operator chain
- 7.4 Transit magnitude error vs. transit magnitude
- 7.5 Gaia DR2 Long Period Variable processing overview
- 7.6 Period distribution of LPV candidates
- 7.7 Colour-magnitude diagram of LPV candidates
- 7.8 Magnitude distribution of LPV candidates
- 7.9 Bolometric correction of LPV candidates versus colour (I)
- 7.10 Bolometric correction of LPV candidates versus G amplitude
- 7.11 Bolometric magnitude of LPV candidates
- 7.12 Relative parallax error of LPV candidates
- 8.1 Colour-colour diagram and stellar parameters.
- 8.2 Literature temperature in the colour-colour diagram.
- 8.3 Colour–temperature relations.
- 8.4 Colour–AG relations.
- 8.5 Dimmed magnitudes and stellar parameters.
- 8.6 Relation between A0, AG and E(GBP-GRP).
- 8.7 Comparison of inferred stellar radii with and without using AG.
- 8.8 Bolometric corrections from the MARCS models
- 8.9 Determination of the bolometric correction offset
- 8.10 Relative uncertainties in radius and luminosity.
- 8.11 Processing flags in Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
- 8.12 Temperatures and luminosities of Gaia benchmark stars.
- 8.13 Median and uncertainty estimates of effective temperature.
- 8.14 Asymmetry of Teff uncertainties.
- 8.15 Identification of degenerate reddening estimates.
- 8.16 Comparison of AG vs. APOGEE AWISEK.
- 8.17 Estimates of AG vs. AV from Rodrigues et al. (2014).
- 8.18 Estimates of AG vs. parallax for nearby stars.
- 8.19 The exponential as maximum-entropy distribution of extinction and reddening.
- 8.20 Fingers of god and rings in Apsis results.
- 8.21 Comparison of ℛ with literature estimates
- 8.22 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram with and without AG at different galactic latitudes.
- 10.1 Density of sources brighter than G =22
- 10.2 Holes in coverage around NGC 6541
- 10.3 Transits used in astrometry
- 10.4 Source_id versus HEALPix
- 10.5 Gaia DR1 source_id retained
- 10.6 Magnitude separation in a dense field
- 10.7 Separation of duplicated sources
- 10.8 Around the bright star HR 807
- 10.9 Around the bright star HIP 27406
- 10.10 Magnitudes for duplicated pairs
- 10.11 Magnitude deviation from detected value
- 10.12 Normalised G errors
- 10.13 Normalised GBP errors
- 10.14 Normalised GRP errors
- 10.15 Radial velocity for duplicate sources
- 10.16 Templates used for duplicate sources
- 10.17 Histogram of the astrophysical parameters
- 10.18 Absorption versus colour parameters
- 10.19 HR diagrams
- 10.20 Histograms of the lower uncertainty of colour
- 10.21 Star counts in Gaia DR2 and GOG18
- 10.22 Star counts relative difference
- 10.23 Mean proper motions
- 10.24 Mean proper motions μl*
- 10.25 Mean proper motions μb
- 10.26 Parallax distribution
- 10.27 Mean parallax versus magnitude
- 10.28 Mean radial velocities
- 10.29 Mean radial velocities
- 10.30 Mean effective temperature
- 10.31 Difference in the mean temperature
- 10.32 Mean phot_g_n_obs
- 10.33 Mean phot_g_mean_flux_error
- 10.34 Three-dimensional KLD
- 10.35 Distribution of differences between fundamental periods
- 10.36 Distribution of differences between G magnitudes
- 10.37 Parallax differences for the whole cluster sample
- 10.38 Proper motions of stars selected as members of NGC 2423
- 10.39 Colour trend of the parallaxes for the members of all clusters
- 10.40 Colour trend with parallaxes normalised to the nominal uncertainties
- 10.41 MAD of the distribution of the dispersion on the parallaxes
- 10.42 Proper motions for NGC 2287
- 10.43 Gaia proper motion distribution in M4
- 10.44 Scaled dispersion of the proper motions in M4
- 10.45 Differences of proper motions in right ascension between Gaia and HST
- 10.46 Radial velocities for about 80 clusters
- 10.47 CMD of NGC 2516
- 10.48 Cluster members, after removing binary stars
- 10.49 Map of Alessi 10
- 10.50 Completeness for NGC 6656
- 10.51 Completeness for NGC 5139
- 10.52 Completeness for NGC 6366
- 10.53 Completeness level with respect to HST data
- 10.54 Completeness levels in different regions of 26 globular clusters
- 10.55 Gaia DR2 Teff compared to PARSEC
- 10.56 Gaia DR2 Teff for NGC 5316
- 10.57 Gaia DR2 Teff for NGC 2516
- 10.58 CMD of IC 2602
- 10.59 Differences of Gaia AG
- 10.60 Gaia AG mean values per cluster
- 10.61 Gaia AG mean values per halo Globulars
- 10.62 Along scan residuals in function of the G magnitude
- 10.63 Systematic part of the AL residuals
- 10.64 Systematic part of the AC residuals
- 10.65 Random part of the AL residuals
- 10.66 Random part of the AC residuals
- 10.67 AL component of the residuals
- 10.68 Zoom in the interval (-10, 10) of the AL residuals
- 10.69 Histogram of the AC residuals
- 11.1 DR2 to DR1 neighbour magnitude difference
- 11.2 DR2 to DR1 neighbour angular distance
- 11.3 DR2 to DR1 neighbour magnitude difference vs distance
- 11.4 DR2 to DR1 neighbour possible match rank
- 12.1 HEALPix map of total density count
- 12.2 Histogram of G, GBP and GRP magnitudes
- 12.3 HEALPix map of G, GBP and GRP magnitudes
- 12.4 Histogram of G, GBP and GRP fluxes
- 12.5 Histogram of G, GBP and GRP flux errors
- 12.6 Histogram 2D of the median G, GBP and GRP flux errors as a function of G magnitude
- 12.7 Histogram of GBP-GRP, GBP-G and G-GRP colours
- 12.8 Histogram 2D of GBP-GRP, GBP-G and G-GRP colours as a function of G magnitude
- 12.9 HEALPix map of GBP-GRP, GBP-G and G-GRP colours
- 12.10 Histograms and HEALPix map of GBP/GRP excess factor
- 12.11 HEALPix map of equatorial position errors
- 12.12 Histogram of equatorial position errors
- 12.13 Histogram 2D of equatorial position errors as a function of G magnitude
- 12.14 Histogram of ϖ
- 12.15 HEALPix map of ϖ
- 12.16 Histogram of ϖ as a function of G magnitude
- 12.17 Histogram of μ
- 12.18 Histogram of μ error
- 12.19 Histogram of μ as a function of G
- 12.20 Histogram of μ error as a function of G
- 12.21 HEALPix map of μ
- 12.22 Histogram of ρ(α,δ), ρ(α,ϖ), ρ(α,μα*), ρ(α,μδ)
- 12.23 Histogram of ρ(δ,ϖ), ρ(δ,μα*), ρ(δ,μδ)
- 12.24 Histogram of ρ(ϖ,μα*), ρ(ϖ,μδ), ρ(μα*,μδ*)
- 12.25 Histogram 2D of observations as a function of G magnitude
- 12.26 HEALPix map of astrometric observations
- 12.27 Histograms and HEALPix map of Vrad
- 12.28 Histograms and HEALPix map of Vrad error
- 12.29 Histograms of Vrad templates
- 12.30 Histogram and HEALPix map AG
- 12.31 Histogram and HEALPix map E(GBP-GRP)
- 12.32 Histogram and HEALPix map Teff
- 12.33 Histogram and HEALPix map ℛ
- 12.34 Histogram and HEALPix map ℒ
- 12.35 Histogram and HEALPix map of astrometric pseudo colour
- 12.36 Histogram and HEALPix map of astrometric pseudo colour error
- 12.37 Histogram and HEALPix map of astrometric goodness of fit
List of Tables:
- 1.1 Sampling classes
- 1.2 Dense areas with special sky-mapper imaging data
- 1.3 DPAC CUs
- 1.4 Time coverage of Gaia data in Gaia DR2
- 1.5 Orbit-maintenance manoeuvres
- 1.6 Decontamination and refocus operations
- 1.7 Serial-CTI-calibration runs
- 1.8 Non-uniformity-calibration runs
- 1.9 Flat-band-voltage-shift-calibration operations
- 1.10 Data deletion on board
- 1.11 Total number of CPU hours and data volume at DPCB
- 2.1 Total detection noise
- 2.2 Main daily and cyclic pre-processing steps
- 3.1 Main astronomical and physical constants (TCB-compatible values) used in INPOP10e
- 3.2 Gaps in the BAM data not bridged by the cross-correlation method
- 3.3 Sources corrected for perspective acceleration
- 3.4 Nominal characteristics of gated observations
- 3.5 Summary statistics on sources with 5-parameters solutions
- 3.6 Summary statistics on sources with position-only solutions
- 4.1 Uncertainties from the AGIS attitude
- 4.2 Example of six transits
- 4.3 Rotational and phase function parameters of (21) Lutetia and (2867) Šteins
- 5.1 Wavelength boundaries for SSC bands
- 5.2 VEGAMAG Zeropoints
- 5.3 AB Zeropoints
- 5.4 Passband parameters
- 5.5 Filters applied to fit the photometric relationships
- 5.6 Filters applied to fit the photometric relationships (cont)
- 5.7 Coefficients of the photometric transformations.
- 5.8 Coefficients of the photometric transformations.
- 5.9 Range of applicability for the relationships
- 6.1 Spectroscopic data
- 6.2 The 28 model spectra of the restricted library.
- 6.3 The external radial velocity catalogues
- 7.1 Crossmatch of variable objects from the literature
- 8.1 Definition of Priam processing flags.
- 8.2 Extinction estimates in Priam training sample for Teff.
- 8.3 Polynomial coefficients of the model BCG
- 8.4 Gaia benchmark stars found in Gaia DR2.
- 9.1 Origin of the sources
- 9.2 Sources observed / not observed in cycle 2
- 9.3 Distribution of updates from AGIS-02
- 9.4 Distribution of position origins
- 9.5 Distribution of proper motion origins
- 10.1 Statistics of μl*
- 10.2 Statistics of μb*
- 10.3 Mean and standard deviation of the parallax as a function of magnitude
- 10.4 Mean and standard deviation of the parallax as a function of magnitude
- 10.5 Subsets of pre-DR2 release
- 10.6 Completeness level in various magnitude ranges
- 12.1 Statistics on the main Catalogue fields