14.6.3 aux_sso_orbit_residuals
Residuals with respect to an orbital fit considering only the Gaia observations. Each entry has a corresponding record in the table sso_observation. A flag is given, indicating if the observation has been rejected by the fit procedure.
source_id : Source identifier (long)
A unique single numerical identifier of the source obtained from gaia_source (for a detailed description see gaia_source.source_id). Note in particular that these identifiers are by convention negative for SSOs.
transit_id : Transit Identifier (long)
The TransitId is a number obtained from the combination of data fields from the telemetry. More specifically, from AF1 ref_acquisition_time, AF1 ac, FOV and CCD Row. It uniquely identifies the transit of a source on the focal plane.
observation_id : Observation Identifier (long)
Identifier at single CCD level of the observation of a Solar System object. It is unique, and obtained from a combination of transit_id and an integer number representing the CCD strip.
number_mp : minor planet number attributed by MPC (long, Dimensionless[see description])
Minor Planet number attributed by MPC
epoch : Gaiacentric epoch TCB(Gaia) (double, Time[Barycentric JD in TCB - 2455197.5 (day)])
Gaiacentric epoch TCB(Gaia) in JD corresponding to the time of crossing of the fiducial line of the CCD. This is the epoch to which the target coordinates and the position/velocity of Gaia are referred to. To avoid loss of precision the reference time J2010.0 is subtracted.
residual_ra : post-orbital fit residual in RA*cos(Dec) (double, Angle[mas])
An orbital fit to whole set of Gaia observations (only) for a given object is performed. Post-fit residuals are then computed. This field contains the component in the direction of RA (*cos(dec)).
residual_dec : post-orbital fit residual in Dec (double, Angle[mas])
An orbital fit to whole set of Gaia observations (only) for a given object is performed. Post-fit residuals are then computed. This field contains the component in the direction of Dec.
residual_al : post-orbital fit residual AL (double, Angle[mas])
An orbital fit to a whole set of Gaia observations (only) for a given object is performed. Post-fit residuals are then computed. This field contains the component in the Along Scan (AL) direction.
residual_ac : post-orbital fit residual AC (double, Angle[mas])
An orbital fit to a whole set of Gaia observations (only) for a given object is performed. Post-fit residuals are then computed. This field contains the component in the Across Scan (AC) direction.
selected : observation not rejected by orbital fit (boolean, Dimensionless[see description])
An orbital fit to a whole set of Gaia observations (only) for a given object is performed. Post-fit residuals are then computed. Rejection of single observations may occur in this process. This flag is 1 when no observation is rejected.