14.6.4 aux_sso_orbits
Auxiliary information on asteroid orbits and basic photometric parameters from the astorb data base: ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/B/astorb/astorb.html
solution_id : Solution Identifier (long)
All Gaia data processed by the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium comes tagged with a solution identifier. This is a numeric field attached to each table row that can be used to unequivocally identify the version of all the subsystems that where used in the generation of the data as well as the input data used. It is mainly for internal DPAC use but is included in the published data releases to enable end users to examine the provenance of processed data products. To decode a given solution ID visit https://gaia.esac.esa.int/decoder/solnDecoder.jsp
number_mp : Asteroid MPC number (long)
Asteroid number assigned by MPC. Blank if unnumbered
designation : MPC name (string)
MPC name or preliminary designation
mag_h : absolute magnitude (double, Magnitude[mag])
Absolute magnitude H for the asteroid. Number of decimal places depending on accuracy (zero to 2), except for unnumbered asteroids (2 decimals even if H is poorly known)
slope_g : slope parameter (double)
Slope parameter of the magnitude-phase law.
code : object specific flags (int)
See ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/B/astorb/astorb.html for a full description
obs_arc : arc spanned by the observations (long, Time[day])
Time interval of the observations used to compute the orbit
obs_num : number of observations used (long)
number of observations used to compute the orbit
osc_epoch : epoch of osculation (string, Time[yyyymmdd])
Epoch of osculation, yyyymmdd (TDT). The epoch is the Julian date ending in 00.5 nearest the date the orbit data set was compiled.
orb_m : mean anomaly (double, Angle[deg])
Orbital element: Mean anomaly
omega : argument of perihelion (double, Angle[deg])
The argument of perihelion at equinox J2000.0 (note this is not ICRS because these orbits are heliocentric and all angles are referred to the nodal point defined at equinox J2000.0).
node_omega : longitude of ascending node (double, Angle[deg])
Longitude of the ascending node at equinox J2000.0 (note this is not ICRS because these orbits are heliocentric and all angles are referred to the nodal point defined at equinox J2000.0).
inclination : orbit inclination (double, Angle[deg])
Orbit inclination (J2000.0)
eccentricity : orbit eccentricity (double)
a : semimajor axis (double, Length & Distance[AU])
Semimajor axis of the orbit
orb_date : date of orbit computation (string, Time[yyyymmdd])
Date of orbit computation, yymmdd (MST, = UTC - 7 hr).
ceu : current orbit uncertainty (double, Angle[arcsec])
Absolute value of the current 1-sigma ephemeris uncertainty (CEU), arcsec.
ceu_rate : rate of change of the orbit uncertainty (double, Angular Velocity[mas/s])
rate of change of the orbit uncertainty. Note that in astorb it is given in arcsec/day.
ceu_epoch : date of the CEU (string, Time[yyyymmdd])
Date of CEU, yyyymmdd (0 hr UT).