14.5.6 gsc23_neighbourhood
GSC2.3 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object.
A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue
whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
source_id : Unique Gaia source identifier (long)
A unique single numerical identifier of the source obtained from gaia_source (for a detailed description see gaia_source.source_id)
original_ext_source_id : Original External Catalogue source identifier (string)
The unique source identifier in the original External catalogue.
angular_distance : Angular Distance between the two sources (double, Angle[arcsec])
Angular distance between a Gaia source and its good neighbours in the External Catalogue
score : Score of neighbours (double)
The score is a figure of merit based on geometric distance and local density of the external catalogue: the higher the score, the more probable the match is.
gaia_astrometric_params : Number of Gaia astrometric params used (short)
This field indicates the number of Gaia astrometric parameters which were available in Gaia.
The field is set to 2 when only RA and DEC where available, while is set to 5 when RA, DEC,
PMRA, PMDEC and PARALLAX are available and thus used to propagate a Gaia source position to the External Catalogue source coordinates epoch.
gsc23_oid : External Catalogue source identifier (long)
The additional numeric unique source identifier of the External catalogue, increasing with Declination.