Gaia Data Release 1
Documentation release 1.2
Executive summary
We present the first Gaia data release, Gaia DR1, consisting of astrometry and photometry for over 1 billion sources brighter than magnitude 20.7 in the white-light photometric band G of Gaia. The Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) processed the raw measurements collected with the Gaia instruments during the first 14 months of the mission, and turned these into an astrometric and photometric catalogue.
Gaia DR1 consists of three parts: an astrometric data set which contains the positions, parallaxes, and mean proper motions for about 2 million of the brightest stars in common with the Hipparcos and Tycho-2 catalogues (the primary astrometric data set) and the positions for an additional 1.1 billion sources (the secondary astrometric data set). The primary set forms the realisation of the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS). The second part of Gaia DR1 is the photometric data set, which contains the mean G-band magnitudes for all sources. The third part consists of the G-band light curves and the characteristics of ∼3000 Cepheid and RR Lyrae stars observed at high cadence around the south ecliptic pole.
The positions and proper motions in the astrometric data set are given in a reference frame that is aligned with the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) to better than 0.1 mas at epoch J2015.0, and non-rotating with respect to the ICRF to within 0.03 mas yr-1. For the primary astrometric data set, the typical standard error for the positions and parallaxes is about 0.3 mas, while for the proper motions the typical standard error is about 1 mas yr-1. Whereas it has been suggested in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2016a) that a systematic component of ∼0.3 mas should be ‘added’ (in quadrature) to the parallax uncertainties, Brown (2017) clarifies that reported parallax standard errors already include local systematics as a result of the calibration of the TGAS parallax uncertainties by comparison to Hipparcos parallaxes. For the subset of ∼94 000 Hipparcos stars in the primary data set, the proper motion standard errors are much smaller, at about 0.06 mas yr-1. For the secondary astrometric data set, the typical standard error on the positions is ∼10 mas. The median standard errors on the mean G-band magnitudes range from the milli-magnitude level to ∼0.03 mag over the magnitude range 5 to 20.7.
The DPAC undertook an extensive validation of Gaia DR1 which confirmed that this data release represents a major advance in the mapping of the skies and the availability of basic stellar data that form the foundation of observational astrophysics. However, as a consequence of the very preliminary nature of this first Gaia data release, there are a number of important limitations to the data quality. These limitations are documented in the Astronomy & Astrophysics papers that accompany Gaia DR1, with further information provided in this documentation. The reader is strongly encouraged to read about these limitations and to carefully consider them before drawing conclusions from the data. This Gaia DR1 documentation complements the peer-reviewed papers that accompany the release in a Special Issue of Astronomy & Astrophysics. The papers form the primary documentation for the data release and they are frequently referenced throughout the text.
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- I Introduction to Gaia DR1
II Gaia data processing
2 Astrometric and photometric pre-processing
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Properties of the input data
- 2.3 Calibration models
2.4 Processing steps
- 2.4.1 Overview
- 2.4.2 Daily and cyclic processing
- 2.4.3 Raw data reconstruction
- 2.4.4 Basic angle variation determination
- 2.4.5 On-ground attitude reconstruction (OGA1 & 2)
- 2.4.6 Bias and astrophysical background determination
- 2.4.7 Spectro-Photometric Image Parameters determination
- 2.4.8 Astrometric Image Parameters determination
- 2.4.9 Crossmatch (XM) processing
- 2.5 Quality assessment and validation
3 Astrometry
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Properties of the input data
- 3.3 Calibration models
- 3.4 Processing steps
3.5 Quality assessment and validation
- 3.5.1 Overview
- 3.5.2 Properties of the astrometric data
- 3.5.3 Source verification
- 3.5.4 Attitude verification
- 3.5.5 Geometric calibration verification
- 3.5.6 Comparisons of alternative solutions
- 3.5.7 Correlations in the Gaia data
- 3.5.8 Comparisons with space-based astrometry
- 3.5.9 Comparisons with ground-based astrometry
- 3.5.10 Astronomical checks of the data
- 3.5.11 Conclusions
- 4 The Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS)
- 5 Photometry
2 Astrometric and photometric pre-processing
- III Gaia data analysis
- IV Gaia catalogue consolidation
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
List of Figures:
- 1.1 Payload and optics overview
- 1.2 Focal-plane temperature readings
- 1.3 Normalised FPR results for the AF7 CCD on row 4
- 1.4 Predicted end-of-mission first-pixel response over the focal plane
- 1.5 Across-scan charge-injection profile for the AF6 CCD in row 6
- 1.6 Evolution of the serial CTI curve for the AF6 CCD in row 6
- 1.7 Examples of prompt particle events
- 1.8 Prompt-particle-events telemetry data
- 1.9 Comparison of cosmic-ray fluxes measured in space
- 1.10 Solar activity in cycles 23 and 24
- 1.11 Focus evolution throughout the mission
- 1.12 Relative Cramér-Rao metrics
- 1.13 Evolution of the telescope transmission
- 1.14 TGAS parallax histograms
- 2.1 The coverage of the GEPC fields
- 2.2 G magnitude histograms of the stars of the GEPC
- 2.3 An example of a typical Point Spread Function
- 2.4 The PSF model used by IDT for 2D windows
- 2.5 The S-spline
- 2.6 Video chain offset versus measured total detection noise
- 2.7 Video chain total detection noise as measured from prescan sample fluctuations
- 2.8 Electronic offset level in AF2 on row 4 of the Gaia FPA
- 2.9 Detail of variation in electronic bias in device AF2 on row 4
- 2.10 Diagram of the IDU, AGIS and PhotPipe system operation
- 2.11 BAM overview
- 2.12 Schematic overview of the attitude processing
- 2.13 Examples large-scale background model in the centre of BP device
- 2.14 Examples charge release curve in BP and RP devices
- 2.15 Examples across-scan charge injection profile in BP and RP devices
- 2.16 Overview of the several reference systems used in crossmatch
- 2.17 Spurious detections of two scans of Sirius
- 2.18 Spurious detections from several consecutive Saturn transits
- 2.19 Cat’s Eye Planetary Nebula (NGC 6543)
- 2.20 Detection grouping in the crossmatch
- 2.21 Sky region checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.22 Photometric checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.23 Attitude and motions checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.24 Attitude correction checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.25 Attitude rates checks in daily pre-processing
- 2.26 Monitoring of readout noise per CCD
- 2.27 Monitoring of astrophysical background per CCD
- 2.28 Astrometric image parameters checks in daily pr–processing
- 2.29 Preliminary crossmatching checks in daily pre-processing
- 3.1 Overview of the astrometric processing
- 3.2 Global astrometric model
- 3.3 Definition of the heliotropic spin phase Ω
- 3.4 Unfiltered BAM data (fringe positions)
- 3.5 Histograms of BAM fringe fitting errors
- 3.6 Zoom on the unfiltered BAM data (fringe positions)
- 3.7 Fringe position residuals in BAM data
- 3.8 Definition of observation lines in field angles
- 3.9 Overall outer AGIS-PhotPipe-IDU iteration scheme
- 3.10 Amplitude of the largest basic angle jumps
- 3.11 Validation run with chromaticity calibration, AF 1–4
- 3.12 Validation run with chromaticity calibration, AF 5–9
- 5.1 Photometric calibration summary
- 5.2 Definition of SSC bands
- 5.3 SSC dependency with colour
- 5.4 Initialization of photometric reference system
- 5.5 Spectro-photometric standard star (SPSS) spectra
- 5.6 Examples of stray light maps
- 5.7 Synthetic G magnitude distribution of the SPSS
- 5.8 G band zero points
- 5.9 Hipparcos fitting diagrams
- 5.10 Fitting G-VT=f(BT-VT) diagram
- 5.11 Fitting of SDSS Strip 82 relationships with Gaia
- 5.12 Relationships between Johnson-Cousins and Gaia systems
- 5.13 Relationships between Hubble and Gaia photometry for M4 cluster
- 5.14 Epoch spectra for a SPSS source
- 5.15 Epoch spectra for a SPSS source
- 6.1 General CU7 variability processing and analysis diagram
- 7.1 Magnitude outliers before Gaia DR1
- 7.2 TGAS right ascension of sources vs number of observations
- 7.3 Median errors distribution
- 7.4 Error ratio distribution by magnitude
- 7.5 Number of observations and negative parallaxes
- 7.6 Proper motion vs sky density
- 7.7 Ratio pixel analysis
- 7.8 Pixel analysis
- 7.9 Visual binaries completeness versus WDS
- 7.10 Gaia DR1 detections of NGC4303
- 7.11 HEALPix map of total density count
- 7.12 Histogram of the mean G magnitude
- 7.13 Histogram 2D of the mean G magnitude
- 7.14 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of the mean G magnitude
- 7.15 Histogram of α
- 7.16 Histogram 2D of σα*
- 7.17 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of σα*
- 7.18 Histogram of δ
- 7.19 Histogram 2D of σδ
- 7.20 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of σδ
- 7.21 Histogram of ϖ
- 7.22 Histogram 2D of σϖ
- 7.23 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of σϖ
- 7.24 Histogram of μα*
- 7.25 Histogram 2D of σμα*
- 7.26 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of μα* and σμα*
- 7.27 Histogram of μδ
- 7.28 Histogram 2D of σμδ
- 7.29 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of μδ and σμδ
- 7.30 Histogram of ρ(α,δ), ρ(α,ϖ), ρ(α,μα*), ρ(α,μδ)
- 7.31 Histogram of ρ(δ,ϖ), ρ(δ,μα*), ρ(δ,μδ), ρ(ϖ,μα*)
- 7.32 Histogram of ρ(ϖ,μδ), ρ(μα*,μδ)
- 7.33 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of ρ(α,δ), ρ(α,ϖ)
- 7.34 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of ρ(α,μα*), ρ(α,μδ)
- 7.35 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of ρ(δ,ϖ), ρ(δ,μα*)
- 7.36 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of ρ(δ,μδ), ρ(ϖ,μα*)
- 7.37 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of ρ(δ,μδ), ρ(ϖ,μα*)
- 7.38 Histogram of the number of good observations
- 7.39 HEALPix map of the number of good observations
- 7.40 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of the fraction of good observations
- 7.41 Histogram of the number of bad observations
- 7.42 Histogram 2D of the number of bad observations
- 7.43 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of the mean value of the fraction of bad observations
- 7.44 Histogram of the number of transits per CCD
- 7.45 Histogram of excess noise
- 7.46 Histogram 2D of excess noise
- 7.47 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of excess noise
- 7.48 Histogram of deltaQ
- 7.49 HEALPix map of deltaQ
- 7.50 Histogram of the astrometric weight
- 7.51 Histogram 2D of the astrometric weight
- 7.52 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of the astrometric weight
- 7.53 Histogram of relegation factor
- 7.54 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of relegation factor
- 7.55 Histogram of the scan direction mean K1, K2, K3, K4
- 7.56 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of mean K1, K2, K3, K4
- 7.57 Histogram of the scan direction strength K1, K2, K3, K4
- 7.58 HEALPix map in ecliptic coordinates of the scan direction strength K1, K2, K3, K4
List of Tables:
- 1.1 DPAC CUs and their responsibilities
- 1.2 Time coverage of Gaia data in Gaia Data Release 1
- 1.3 Payload decontaminations and telescope refocusings
- 1.4 Total CPU hours and data size at DPCB
- 1.5 Source statistics for Gaia DR1
- 2.1 Approximately 80% of the G estimates
- 2.2 High proper motion objects
- 2.3 The calibration coefficients
- 2.4 Fortran format of GEPC3.0
- 2.5 Total detection noise properties
- 2.6 Main daily and cyclic pre-processing steps
- 3.1 Main astronomical and physical constants (TCB) used in INPOP10e
- 3.2 Nominal characteristics of gated observations
- 3.3 Summary of parameters for the geometric instrument model
- 3.4 Summary statistics of the primary data set I
- 3.5 Summary statistics of the primary data set II
- 3.6 Summary statistics of the secondary data set
- 5.1 Wavelength boundaries for SSC bands
- 5.2 Filters applied to fit the photometric relationships
- 5.3 Coefficients of the photometric transformations.
- 5.4 Range of applicability for the relationships
- 7.1 The input tables from Gaia MDB data model
- 7.2 MDB Integrator Input Records
- 7.3 Formal astrometric standard uncertainties vs simulated ones
- 7.4 Data fields of the main Catalogue
- 7.5 Statistics on the main Catalogue fields