11.4.2 Selection function
The published results do not contain APs for all sources. Based on the quality assessment some of the results from some of the Apsis modules (those listed below) were filtered out.
To help the scientific exploitation of the astrophysical parameters, we provide below the set of filters we applied. ’AP table’ refers to the astrophysical_parameters table, ’APSupp table’ refers to the astrophysical_parameters_supp table.
- General
if parallax is NaN
{null all GSP-Phot results},
{null all FLAME results} (AP and APSupp tables) - FLAME
if OR radius R OR
{null all FLAME results} -
if (GSP-Phot) 20 000 K OR (GSP-Phot) 2500 K OR OR (GSP-Phot) OR mcmcaccept_gspphot
{null all FLAME results} (AP table) -
if (GSP-Spec) 8000 K OR (GSP-Spec) 4000 K OR (GSP-Spec)
{null all FLAME results} (APSupp table) -
if a non-published internal flag indicates failure of convergence
{null mass, age, evolutionary stage} -
if the age is outside of the valid range 0.1 to 13.5 Gyr
{null age} - GSP-Spec
if SNR(RVS)<20 {null all GSP-Spec results}
if flagsgspspec[i]=9 {null related GSP-Spec parameter or abundance results}
if ANY(, ) is NaN,
{null all FLAME results except for } (APSupp table) - ESP-ELS
if SNR(BP/RP) 40 000
{null all ESP-ELS results} -
if classlabel_espels in [”unknown”, ”star”]
{null all ESP-ELS results} - ESP-CS
if SNR(RVS) 20 OR InternalSNR(Ca II IRT core)
{null all ESP-CS results} - ESP-UCD
See postprocessing filters listed in Section 11.3.10
if flags_qsoc 16
AND source_selection_flags 0 (qso_candidates Table)
{null all QSOC results}
if internal flag for inclusion in the publishable output 0
{null all UGC results}
See UGC outputs filtering described in Section 11.3.13