10.11.2 Properties of the input data
Input data fed into the SOS Cep&RRL pipeline consist of time-series photometry in the , , bands (when and are available) and time series of RV measurements from the RVS for a sub-sample of RR Lyrae stars.
The sources to be analysed by the SOS Cep&RRL pipeline were selected according the following criteria:
sources classified as candidate RR Lyrae stars from the Classifiers, with probability cuts selected to maximise the number of recovered RR Lyrae stars which are known from different surveys in the literature;
a minimum number of 12 -FoV transits, after applying the general outlier removal
MultibandOutlierRemovalOperator (Section 10.2.3), as well as the
RemoveOutliersFaintAndBrightOperator outlier removal operator, whose parameters were fine tuned to discard residual outliers in the RR Lyrae light curves; -
a minimum number of five transits for the publication of the RV time-series and of seven transits for the modelling of the folded RV curve;
a peak-to-peak amplitude 0.1 mag in the -band;
periods in the range of days;
search of a second periodicity only for sources with a minimum number of more than 40 -FoV transits and with scatter with respect to the modelled -band light curve larger than 0.05 mag.