10.1.2 Data products in Gaia DR3
Variability products in Gaia DR3 contributed to the following:
In the gaia_source table (Section 20.1.1), the field phot_variable_flag is set to ‘VARIABLE’ when a source appears in any of the vari_* tables, except for the vari_summary table (which includes also non-variable sources that appear in GAPS), otherwise it is set to ‘NOT_AVAILABLE’.
The photometric time series for all Gaia sources in GAPS, located within a 5.5 radius centred on the Andromeda galaxy. The approximately 1.3 million sources in this survey are identified in the gaia_source table when the field in_andromeda_survey is set to ‘true’ and their time-series statistics are available in the vari_summary table. See Evans et al. (2023) for more details.
The vari_summary table (Section 20.13.1) lists statistical parameters for all variable sources and all sources in GAPS. Additionally, it provides a series of boolean flags for the occurrence in other vari_* tables:
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Classification results in the vari_classifier_result table (Section 20.13.2) are represented by the fields best_class_name and best_class_score. Details of the 24 classes published in Gaia DR3 are provided in the vari_classifier_class_definition table (Section 20.13.4), while the vari_classifier_definition table (Section 20.13.3) provides a concise description of the classification used in DR3. For more information, see Section 10.3.
Specific object studies (SOS) for the following variability types:
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Cepheids candidates (Section 10.5) in table vari_cepheid,
compact companion candidates (Section 10.6) in table vari_compact_companion,
eclipsing binary candidates (Section 10.7) in table vari_eclipsing_binary,
long period variables (Section 10.8) in table vari_long_period_variable,
microlensing candidates (Section 10.9) in table vari_microlensing,
planetary transit candidates (Section 10.10) in table vari_planetary_transit,
RR Lyrae stars (Section 10.11) in table vari_rrlyrae,
short-timescale variability (Section 10.12) in table vari_short_timescale,
solar-like rotational modulation candidates (Section 10.13) in the vari_rotation_modulation table,
upper main-sequence oscillators (Section 10.14) in table vari_ms_oscillator.
The time series in , , and bands of all sources listed in the vari_summary table are available as light curve data through the datalink interface.
The time series of radial velocities for a subset of 1898 RR Lyrae stars and Cepheids are provided in the vari_epoch_radial_velocity table and their statistical parameters are published in the vari_rad_vel_statistics table.
Classification of 2.5 million galaxies with vari_best_class_score in the galaxy_candidates table, identified by setting the vari_best_class_name field equal to ‘GALAXY’. They were removed from the other ‘vari’ tables (most notably from vari_classifier_result) because their apparent variability in the Gaia data was mostly due to their extended shape rather than intrinsic variability within the galaxies themselves.
Classification of one million AGNs in the qso_candidates table, identified by the field vari_best_class_name equal to ‘AGN’. Some fields from vari_classifier_result and vari_agn are repeated there for convenience, while the vari_agn_membership_score field (from the SOS module of AGN) is available exclusively in the qso_candidates table.
The analysis was performed with automated methods and the published sources should be considered as candidates of variability or of specific variability types.