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gaia data release 3 documentation

20.13 Variability tables

20.13.12 vari_microlensing

This table describes the microlensing events.

Columns description:

solution_id : Solution Identifier (long)

All Gaia data processed by the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium comes tagged with a solution identifier. This is a numeric field attached to each table row that can be used to unequivocally identify the version of all the subsystems that were used in the generation of the data as well as the input data used. It is mainly for internal DPAC use but is included in the published data releases to enable end users to examine the provenance of processed data products. To decode a given solution ID visit

source_id : Unique source identifier (long)

A unique single numerical identifier of the source obtained from gaia_source (for a detailed description see gaia_source.source_id).

paczynski0_g0 : G-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

G-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_g0_error : Error of G-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

Error of the G-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_bp0 : BP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

GBP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_bp0_error : Error of BP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

Error of the GBP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_rp0 : RP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

GRP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_rp0_error : Error of RP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

Error of the GRP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_u0 : Impact parameter (level 0) (double)

Impact parameter from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_u0_error : Error of the impact parameter (level 0) (double)

Error of the impact parameter from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_te : Event timescale (level 0) (float, Time[day])

Event time-scale in days from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_te_error : Error of event timescale (level 0) (float, Time[day] )

Error of the event time-scale in days from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_tmax : Time of maximum amplification (level 0) (double, Time[Barycentric JD in TCB - 2 455 197.5 (day)])

Time of the maximum amplification from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_tmax_error : Error of time of maximum amplification (level 0) (double, Time[day] )

Error of time of the maximum amplification from the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_chi2 : Chi square of level 0 Paczynski fit (float)

Chi square of the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski0_chi2_dof : Reduced chi square of level 0 Paczynski fit (float)

Reduced chi square of the Paczynski standard model fit without blending

paczynski1_g0 : G-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

G-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_g0_error : Error of G-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

Error of the G-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_bp0 : BP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

GBP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_bp0_error : Error of BP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

Error of the GBP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_rp0 : RP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

GRP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_rp0_error : Error of RP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (float, Magnitude[mag] )

Error of the GRP-band magnitude of the baseline from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_u0 : Impact parameter (level 1) (double)

Impact parameter from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_u0_error : Error of the impact parameter (level 1) (double)

Error of the impact parameter from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_te : Event timescale (level 1) (float, Time[day])

Event time-scale in days from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_te_error : Error of event timescale (level 1) (float, Time[day] )

Error of the event time-scale in days from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_tmax : Time of maximum amplification (level 1) (double, Time[Barycentric JD in TCB - 2 455 197.5 (day)])

Time of the maximum amplification from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_tmax_error : Error of time of maximum amplification (level 1) (double, Time[day] )

Error of time of the maximum amplification from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_fs_g : Blending factor in G-band (level 1) (float)

Blending factor in G-band from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_fs_g_error : Error of blending factor in G-band (level 1) (float)

Error of the blending factor in G-band from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_fs_bp : Blending factor in BP-band (level 1) (float)

Blending factor in GBP-band from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_fs_bp_error : Error of blending factor in BP-band (level 1) (float)

Error of the blending factor in GBP-band from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_fs_rp : Blending factor in RP-band (level 1) (float)

Blending factor in GRP-band from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_fs_rp_error : Error of blending factor in RP-band (level 1) (float)

Error of the blending factor in GRP-band from the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_chi2 : Chi square of level 1 Paczynski fit (float)

Chi square of the Paczynski standard model fit with blending

paczynski1_chi2_dof : Reduced chi square of level 1 Paczynski fit (float)

Reduced chi square of the Paczynski standard model fit with blending