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gaia data release 3 documentation

11.1 Introduction

11.1.3 Summary of Apsis data products in Gaia DR3

Author(s): Orlagh L. Creevey, Ulrike Heiter, Frédéric Thévenin

The data products produced by CU8 in Gaia DR3 are either 1D data, e.g. Teff, or multi-dimensional (MD) data e.g. a self-organising map of outliers. Each of these products is described in this section.

1D data: There are several APs that are estimated by multiple modules, and several fields that are related. In order to facilitate the use of the archive, the following convention was adopted for each 1D data field name:


Here, parameter is one of the 43 main APs listed in Section 11.1.1 along with the auxiliary APs and these are given in the first column of Table 11.2 – Table 11.6. Next, module is the name of the Apsis module that derived the AP, see Section 11.1.2. Then, variant describes a variant of the method, models, or input data used to derive the AP. This part may be blank if only one method was used, or if the parameter value comes from the ”best” of several methods. Finally, detail may be blank if it is the value of the AP, or it takes on values such as upper, lower or uncertainty, where upper and lower imply upper and lower confidence levels (generally implying a 68% confidence interval but see data model descriptions). As an example, teff_gspphot_marcs_upper is the upper confidence level of the Teff value estimated by the module GSP-Phot using the MARCS library of synthetic stellar spectra; classprob_espels_pne is the class probability value of being a PNe (planetary nebula) from the module ESP-ELS; mass_flame is the mass value derived from the module FLAME.

The full list of data products for each table, along with their variants, details, and cross-references to the data model description, are given in Table 11.2 to Table 11.6. In Table 11.2 which describes the largest archive table from CU8, astrophysical_parameters, due to its length, we only list those parameters that have variants or details, and we do not list all of the abundances nor the auxiliary parameters. The following are parameters not listed in that table: the non-variant parameters are spectraltype_esphs, classlabel_espels, evolstage_flame, and dibp0_gspspec. We use xfe to denote abundances, where x is an element symbol, and this implies the following 11 abundances relative to iron: nfe_gspspec, mgfe_gspspec, sife_gspspec, sfe_gspspec, cafe_gspspec, tife_gspspec, crfe_gspspec, nife_gspspec, zrfe_gspspec, cefe_gspspec, and ndfe_gspspec, for nitrogen, magnesium, silicon, sulphur, calcium, titanium, chromium, nickel, zirconium, cerium and neodymium, respectively, and the iron abundances relative to the total metallicity: fem_gspspec and feiim_gspspec. The following are the auxiliary parameters not listed in the table: flags_esphs, flags_espucd, flags_flame, flags_gspspec, flags_msc, flags_oa, classlabel_espels_flag, activityindex_espcs_input,dibqf_gspspec, mcmcdrift_msc, logchisq_gspspec, libname_gspphot, mcmcaccept_gspphot, mcmcaccept_msc, logposterior_gspphot, logposterior_msc, and bc_flame.

Table 11.3 describes the content of the astrophysical_parameters_supp table, and contains the variants of a number of parameters, which are not included in Table 11.2. In Table 11.3 we list all parameters, including the auxiliary parameters. Table 11.4 and Table 11.5 contain parameters relevant to quasar and galaxy candidates, respectively.

MD data: The tables and fields for the MD data are specific to a module and do not entirely follow the same naming convention. Table 11.7 – Table 11.11 describe the contents of the MD data tables. In gaia_source there are two boolean fields indicating whether a source appears in either of the MCMC tables called has_mcmc_gspphot and has_mcmc_msc.

Flags: Some of the Apsis modules (in particular, GSP-Spec, ESP-ELS, ESP-HS, ESP-UCD, FLAME, MSC, OA and QSOC) provide flags which indicate quality or processing information which might be useful for the user. We have adopted a common format for the reported flags appearing in the astrophysical parameter tables. Each flag is a string containing N characters where N is the number of items to report to the user and is typically 1 or 2 characters, with the exception of GSP-Spec which provides 41 characters in flags_gspspec. Each character can take on a specific numeric value, where ’0’ always indicates nothing to report. As a concrete example, flags_msc has N=1 characters and it can take on a value of 0 or 1. The information contained in the flags is provided in the description of the corresponding field for which the name starts with flags followed by the module name. An exception is the ESP-ELS module which provides the two parameter-specific flag fields ew_espels_halpha_flag and classlabel_espels_flag.

Filters: Filtering on astrophysical parameters was done during the postprocessing of the operational data of the individual modules. Details of filtering is therefore described in Section 11.3.

Table 11.2: 1D data products in the astrophysical_parameters table, see Section 20.2.1. The symbol ␣ means that this part is blank. Due to the length of the table, we do not include the auxiliary and non-variant parameters nor the individual elemental abundances which are denoted as xfe here, see the text for details.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter_module _variant _detail
Teff effective temperature teff_gspphot upper / lower
teff_gspspec upper / lower
teff_espucd uncertainty
teff_esphs uncertainty
teff_msc1 upper / lower
teff_msc2 upper / lower
logg surface gravity logg_gspphot upper / lower
logg_gspspec upper / lower
logg_esphs uncertainty
logg_msc1 upper / lower
logg_msc2 upper / lower
[M/H] global metallicity mh_gspphot upper / lower
mh_gspspec upper / lower
mh_msc upper / lower
[α/Fe] α abundance relative to Fe alphafe_gspspec upper / lower
[X/Fe] abundance xfe_gspspec lower / upper / nlines / linescatter
EW equivalent width cn0ew_gspspec uncertainty / centralline / width
ew_espels halpha flag / model / uncertainty
vsini rotational velocity sini vsini_esphs uncertainty
chromospheric activity activityindex_espcs uncertainty
A0 extinction at 541 nm azero_gspphot lower / upper
azero_esphs uncertainty
azero_msc lower / upper
AG extinction in G band ag_gspphot lower / upper
ag_esphs uncertainty
ag_msc lower / upper
ABP extinction in GBP band abp_gspphot lower / upper
ARP extinction in GRP band arp_gspphot lower / upper
E(GBP-GRP) reddening in GBP-GRP ebpminrp_gspphot lower / upper
ebpminrp_esphs uncertainty
DIB parameters dibp2_gspspec uncertainty
dibew_gspspec uncertainty / noise_uncertainty
dib_gspspec lambda uncertainty
distance distance to star distance_gspphot lower / upper
distance_msc lower / upper
radius of the star radius_gspphot lower / upper
radius_flame lower / upper
luminosity of the star lum_flame lower / upper
MG absolute G magnitude mg_gspphot lower / upper
mass of star mass_flame lower / upper
τ age of star age_flame lower / upper
rvGR star gravitational redshift gravredshift_flame lower / upper
P class probabilities classprob_dsc specmod quasar galaxy star whitedwarf binarystar
allosmod quasar galaxy star
combmod quasar galaxy star whitedwarf binarystar
classprob_espels bestar / dmestar / herbigstar / pne /
ttauristar / wcstar / wnstar
Table 11.3: 1D data products in the astrophysical_parameters_supp table.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter_module variant detail
Teff effective temperature teff_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a upper / lower
teff_gspspec ann upper / lower
logg surface gravity logg_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a upper / lower
logg_gspspec ann upper / lower
[M/H] global metallicity mh_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a upper / lower
mh_gspspec ann upper / lower
[α/Fe] α abundance relative to Fe alphafe_gspspec ann upper / lower
A0 extinction at 541 nm azero_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
AG extinction in G band ag_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
ABP extinction in GBP band abp_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
ARP extinction in GRP band arp_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
E(GBP-GRP) reddening in GBP-GRP ebpminrp_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
distance distance to star distance_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
MG absolute G magnitude mg_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
radius of star radius_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a lower / upper
radius_flame spec lower / upper
luminosity of star lum_flame spec lower / upper
mass of star mass_flame spec lower / upper
τ age of star age_flame spec lower / upper
ϵ evolutionary stage of star evolstage_flame spec
rvGR gravitational redshift gravredshift_flame spec lower / upper
BCG bolometric correction bc_flame spec
name GSP-Phot best library libname_best_gspphot
MCMC par. GSP-Phot goodness of fit logposterior_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a
GSP-Phot acceptance rate mcmcaccept_gspphot marcs / phoenix / ob / a
log10χ2 GSP-Spec goodness of fit logchisq_gspspec ann
flag GSP-Spec flags flags_gspspec ann
FLAME flags flags_flame spec
Table 11.4: 1D data products in the qso_candidates table. We note that the class probability and assigned class parameters are duplicated in the galaxy_candidates table.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter_module variant detail
P class probability classprob_dsc combmod quasar / galaxy
label assigned class classlabel_dsc joint
z redshift of source assuming a QSO redshift_qsoc upper / lower
CCF ratio cross-correlation function ratio ccfratio_qsoc
z-score redshift score zscore_qsoc
flag QSOC flags flags_qsoc
Table 11.5: 1D data products in the galaxy_candidates table. We note that the class probability and assigned class parameters are duplicated in the qso_candidates table.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter_module variant detail
P class probability classprob_dsc combmod quasar / galaxy
label assigned class classlabel_dsc joint
z redshift of source assuming a galaxy redshift_ugc upper / lower
Table 11.6: 1D data products in the gaia_source table. All of these appear also in one of the other tables (except for the fields with boolean values has_mcmc_gspphot, has_mcmc_msc, in_qso_candidates and in_galaxy_candidates.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter_module variant detail
P class probability classprob_dsc combmod galaxy quasar star
Teff effective temperature teff_gspphot upper / lower
logg surface gravity logg_gspphot upper / lower
[M/H] global metallicity mh_gspphot upper / lower
A0 extinction at 550nm azero_gspphot lower / upper
AG extinction in G band ag_gspphot lower / upper
ABP extinction in GBP band abp_gspphot lower / upper
ARP extinction in GRP band arp_gspphot lower / upper
E(GBP-GRP) reddening in GBP-GRP ebpminrp_gspphot lower / upper
distance distance to star distance_gspphot lower / upper
name GSP-Phot best library libname_gspphot
Table 11.7: MD data products in the oa_neuron_information table. We only list the main parameters produced by CU8, not the statistical properties of all of the neurons.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter detail
Neuron identification neuron identifier neuron id
neuron row index row_index
neuron column index column_index
hits Number of source in the neuron hits
Class label Astronomical class assigned to neuron class_label
centroid id id of the Gaia source that minimizes the class distance centroid id
centroid distance distance between centroid spectrum and neuron prototype centroid distance
Table 11.8: MD data products in the oa_neuron_xp_spectra table.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter variant detail
Neuron identification neuron identifier neuron id
neuron row index row_index
neuron column index column_index
XP spectrum preprocessed XP spectrum xp_spectrum prototype flux wavelength
template flux
Table 11.9: MD data products in the total_galactic_extinction_map and total_galactic_extinction_map_opt tables. The latter does not contain the fields a0_min and a0_max.
astrophysical field name
parameter description parameter detail
HEALPix information HEALPix identification and level healpix id level
A0 monochromatic extinction parameter a0 uncertainty min max
N(tracers) number of tracers used num_tracers_used
Flag flag indicating if opt. HEALPix lev. optimum_hpx_flag
Status exit status for TGE module status
Table 11.10: MD data products in the mcmc_samples_gsp_phot table.
parameter description field name
Teff effective temperature teff
logg surface gravity logg
[M/H] metallicity mh
distance distance from GSP-Phot distancepc
radius radius radius
MG absolute magnitude mg
A0 monochromatic extinction parameter azero
AG extinction in G band ag
ABP extinction in GBP band abp
ARP extinction in GRP band arp
E(GBP-GRP) reddening in GBP-GRP ebpminrp
log posterior log posterior of sample log_pos
log likelihood log likelihood of sample log_lik
Table 11.11: MD data products in the mcmc_samples_msc table.
parameter description field name
Teff 1 effective temperature of brighter component teff1
Teff 2 effective temperature of fainter component teff2
logg 1 surface gravity of brighter component logg1
logg 2 surface gravity of fainter component logg2
A0 monochromatic extinction parameter azero
[M/H] metallicity mh
distance distance from MSC distancepc
log posterior log posterior of sample log_pos
log likelihood log likelihood of sample log_lik