20.15 Differences between the Gaia DR3 and EDR3/DR2 data models
Here we summarise the differences between the new (Gaia DR3) data model and that presented in the previous releases (EDR3 and DR2). Users of the archive systems (Chapter 18) will be aware that ADQL provides the primary interface to the data, and that all table names are prefixed with a release identifier in ADQL scripts – for example, gaiadr3.gaia_source for the main catalogue table in the current release. At a minimum it will be necessary to update table prefixes in older scripts from gaiadr2 or gaiaedr3 to gaiadr3 to enable them to work with the new data. Furthermore it is important to note that the set of tables presented in the new release is not identical to those released previously. Even when the same table name is present there are many new columns and a few columns that are not included in the new release.
For convenience the changes between Gaia DR3 and Gaia EDR3 are listed first, followed by a recapitulation of the differences between the interim Gaia EDR3 release and predecessor Gaia DR2. Note that the division into groups of various related tables in the data model presentation, both here and in the Gaia archive web interface tree-view, has been redefined in Gaia DR3 over that in Gaia EDR3 to present more clearly the expanded set.