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gaia data release 3 documentation

20.5 Extra–galactic tables

20.5.4 qso_catalogue_name

This table provides the list of input catalogues that have been used to select any given source for which morphological analysis parameters are provided in table qso_candidates.
Each source may have been cross-matched to more than one catalogue and therefore can have several entries in the table.
For DR3, the catalogues considered for this selection are mostly external, although sources identified by DPAC based on the classification performed by other processing have also been included here.
Each catalogue is assigned a catalogue_id. For DR3 the following applies:

  • 1: CU7 GaiaVariQso2018

  • 2: ICRF2

  • 3: SDSS-DR12Q

  • 4: LQAC3

  • 5: Half Million Quasars

  • 6: Secrest+2015

  • 7: Assef+2018_R90

Further details on these catalogues are given in the chapter on extended object processing (Section 9.2).

Columns description:

solution_id : Solution Identifier (long)

All Gaia data processed by the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium comes tagged with a solution identifier. This is a numeric field attached to each table row that can be used to unequivocally identify the version of all the subsystems that were used in the generation of the data as well as the input data used. It is mainly for internal DPAC use but is included in the published data releases to enable end users to examine the provenance of processed data products. To decode a given solution ID visit

source_id : Unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release) (long)

A unique single numerical identifier of the source obtained from gaia_source (for a detailed description see gaia_source.source_id).

catalogue_id : The unique identifier for the catalogue(s) used to select the sources in the morphological analysis (byte)

Each catalogue used to select the sources under morphological analysis is assigned a unique ID. The corresponding catalogues are listed in the description of the qso_catalogue_name table, and further details are given in the chapter on extended object processing in the on-line documentation (Section 9.2).