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gaia data release 3 documentation

17.1 Catalogue statistics

17.1.4 Non-single stars

nss_acceleration_astro table

The data fields of nss_acceleration_astro are described in Section 20.6.2. Statistics are provided in Table 17.14 and a selection of plots in Section 17.2.13.

Table 17.14: nss_acceleration_astro. Statistics for numeric fields for the 338 215 sources. Arrays in a data record are represented by their average (.avg), length (.len), maximum (.max), median (.med), minimum (.min) and the number of NaN elements (.nan), and the statistics are formed over these values.
Field name Null values Minimum Maximum Mean Std. dev.
accel_dec 0 -32.1 42.9 0.0039 1.69
accel_dec_error 0 0.0197 1.37 0.0614 0.0289
accel_ra 0 -39 34.3 0.00127 1.75
accel_ra_error 0 0.0147 1.74 0.068 0.0352
astrometric_n_good_obs_al 0 113 2.32e+03 432 145
astrometric_n_obs_al 0 121 2.32e+03 439 147
bit_index 0 255 1.02e+03 462 341
corr_vec 0 nan nan nan nan
corr_vec.avg 0 -0.148 0.851 -0.00617 0.071
corr_vec.len 0 21 36 25 6.66
corr_vec.max 0 0.0466 0.997 0.54 0.27 0 -0.736 0.977 -0.0282 0.0961
corr_vec.min 0 -0.999 0.605 -0.45 0.175
corr_vec.nan 0 0 0 0 0
dec 0 -89.8 89.8 -2.78 43.9
dec_error 0 0.00605 0.388 0.0167 0.00739
deriv_accel_dec 246947 -126 70.9 -0.00577 6.54
deriv_accel_dec_error 246947 0.0928 4.82 0.295 0.127
deriv_accel_ra 246947 -116 167 -0.0192 7.18
deriv_accel_ra_error 246947 0.0823 5.79 0.354 0.188
flags 0 0 192 67.8 38.3
goodness_of_fit 0 -15.1 25 6.81 5.87
obj_func 0 105 3.38e+03 679 323
parallax 0 0.318 91.8 2.37 2.16
parallax_error 0 0.0076 0.291 0.0217 0.00915
pmdec 0 -870 737 -6.13 21.9
pmdec_error 0 0.00731 1.35 0.0306 0.0233
pmra 0 -963 888 -1.55 23
pmra_error 0 0.00521 1.35 0.0343 0.03
ra 0 0.00318 360 194 102
ra_error 0 0.00491 0.533 0.0175 0.00858
significance 0 20 232 29.5 10.8
solution_id 0 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 0
source_id 0 4.34e+13 6.92e+18 3.67e+18 2e+18

nss_non_linear_spectro table

The data fields of nss_non_linear_spectro are described in Section 20.6.3 and statistics are provided in Table 17.15.

Table 17.15: nss_non_linear_spectro. Statistics for numeric fields for the 56 808 sources. Arrays in a data record are represented by their average (.avg), length (.len), maximum (.max), median (.med), minimum (.min) and the number of NaN elements (.nan), and the statistics are formed over these values.
Field name Null values Minimum Maximum Mean Std. dev.
bit_index 0 7 15 11.6 3.95
corr_vec 0 nan nan nan nan
corr_vec.avg 0 -0.931 0.986 -0.079 0.258
corr_vec.len 0 1 3 2.15 0.988
corr_vec.max 0 -0.931 0.997 0.113 0.338 0 -0.945 0.984 -0.135 0.297
corr_vec.min 0 -0.96 0.976 -0.215 0.304
corr_vec.nan 0 0 0 0 0
first_deriv_velocity 0 -0.334 0.266 5.63e-05 0.0118
first_deriv_velocity_error 0 0.00226 0.0479 0.00408 0.00103
flags 0 0 4.21e+06 4.61e+03 1.81e+04
goodness_of_fit 0 -5.35 3 0.982 1.14
mean_velocity 0 -412 403 -2.36 45.3
mean_velocity_error 0 1 13 1.13 0.231
obj_func 0 0.462 165 26.4 13.3
rv_n_good_obs_primary 0 10 124 22 8.51
rv_n_obs_primary 0 10 124 22 8.51
second_deriv_velocity 24083 -0.00211 0.00274 2.1e-07 8.35e-05
second_deriv_velocity_error 24083 1.8e-05 0.000188 3.2e-05 8.19e-06
solution_id 0 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 0
source_id 0 7.63e+12 6.92e+18 3.83e+18 2e+18

nss_two_body_orbit table

The data fields of nss_two_body_orbit are described in Section 20.6.1. Statistics are provided in Table 17.16 and a selection of plots in Section 17.2.13.

Table 17.16: nss_two_body_orbit. Statistics for the 443 205 sources. Arrays in a data record are represented by their average (.avg), length (.len), maximum (.max), median (.med), minimum (.min) and the number of NaN elements (.nan), and the statistics are formed over these values.
Field name Null values Minimum Maximum Mean Std. dev.
a_thiele_innes 273978 -24.9 29.4 -0.00281 0.928
a_thiele_innes_error 273978 0.00912 205 0.183 1.38
arg_periastron 170175 0 360 126 121
arg_periastron_error 252671 0 360 32.2 38.2
astrometric_jitter 442043 0.00501 1.88 0.0865 0.173
astrometric_n_good_obs_al 273978 139 2.24e+03 456 145
astrometric_n_obs_al 273978 140 2.25e+03 466 149
b_thiele_innes 273978 -21.9 31.4 0.00657 0.905
b_thiele_innes_error 273978 0.00769 213 0.183 1.55
bit_index 0 31 1.57e+06 2.69e+05 5.26e+05
c_thiele_innes 409738 -4.27 5.31 0.0003 0.359
c_thiele_innes_error 409878 0.000235 94.6 0.0839 0.652
center_of_mass_velocity 222678 -468 594 -2.15 43.1
center_of_mass_velocity_error 222678 0.0223 37.1 0.636 0.76
conf_spectro_period 256300 0.95 1 0.997 0.00751
corr_vec 0 nan nan nan nan
corr_vec.avg 0 -0.296 0.887 0.0232 0.113
corr_vec.len 0 6 190 71.8 64.8
corr_vec.max 0 -0.0745 1 0.875 0.204 0 -0.949 0.934 0.00704 0.153
corr_vec.min 0 -1 0.791 -0.719 0.276
corr_vec.nan 0 0 184 35.7 71.9
dec 273978 -89.9 89.7 -3.41 46.7
dec_error 273978 0.00748 7.77 0.063 0.0589
eccentricity 948 0 0.98 0.223 0.2
eccentricity_error 85423 0 0.804 0.0686 0.0486
ecl_dur_primary 356132 0 57.8 0.203 0.427
ecl_dur_secondary 356132 0 57.8 0.203 0.426
ecl_time_primary 356132 -114 70.1 -0.0039 0.868
ecl_time_secondary 356132 -36.6 49.2 0.00429 0.682
efficiency 0 0 1.03 0.31 0.244
f_thiele_innes 273978 -86.5 46.9 -0.0023 0.933
f_thiele_innes_error 273978 0.000922 276 0.203 1.84
fill_factor_primary 356132 0.0729 1.22 0.879 0.198
fill_factor_primary_error 390960 4.31e-09 0.24 0.00759 0.0108
fill_factor_secondary 356132 0.00316 1.22 0.892 0.211
fill_factor_secondary_error 356552 2.54e-09 0.373 0.00946 0.0175
flags 0 0 1.44e+17 1.1e+15 8.45e+15
g_luminosity_ratio 356132 1.61e-06 1 0.318 0.25
g_rank 356132 0.6 0.83 0.634 0.0321
g_thiele_innes 273978 -26.4 45.6 -0.000179 0.917
g_thiele_innes_error 275957 0.0085 202 0.194 1.59
goodness_of_fit 0 -11.7 50 4.73 8.96
h_thiele_innes 409738 -3.75 4.52 0.00311 0.376
h_thiele_innes_error 409738 0.000101 159 0.0958 1.03
inclination 356132 34 117 78.8 8.87
inclination_error 356132 3.09e-05 177 1.42 5.01
input_period_error 356287 8.75e-08 1.15 9.55e-05 0.00565
mass_ratio 443050 0.0212 2.18 0.376 0.31
mass_ratio_error 443202 0.00499 0.0101 0.00811 0.00274
obj_func 0 0.028 5.01e+03 366 516
parallax 273978 0.107 214 2.61 3.1
parallax_error 273978 0.00837 2.45 0.024 0.0166
period 0 0.201 9.94e+03 372 392
period_error 87073 1.95e-07 3.09e+03 26.2 69.5
phot_g_n_good_obs 356132 14 245 44.7 15.9
phot_g_n_obs 356132 16 258 46.9 16.7
pmdec 273978 -1.23e+03 1.25e+03 -6.52 28.6
pmdec_error 273978 0.00807 3.31 0.0413 0.0659
pmra 273978 -826 1.92e+03 -1.5 30.1
pmra_error 273978 0.00611 3.08 0.0416 0.063
r_l1_point_sum 356132 0.051 1 0.789 0.237
r_pole_sum 356132 0.0503 0.865 0.628 0.141
r_spher_sum 356132 0.0507 0.985 0.669 0.164
ra 273978 0.00162 360 193 102
ra_error 273978 0.00509 14.2 0.0618 0.0634
rv_n_good_obs_primary 222678 3 225 23.8 8.72
rv_n_good_obs_secondary 222678 0 79 0.515 3.46
rv_n_obs_primary 222678 10 225 23.9 8.73
rv_n_obs_secondary 222678 0 79 0.537 3.47
semi_amplitude_primary 256145 0.269 352 17.8 17.6
semi_amplitude_primary_error 256145 0.0319 38.5 0.971 1.19
semi_amplitude_secondary 437829 6.66 365 66.2 31.4
semi_amplitude_secondary_error 437829 0.0527 373 2.33 9.28
significance 0 0 1.2e+03 23.9 32.6
solution_id 0 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 0
source_id 0 3.37e+13 6.92e+18 3.79e+18 1.98e+18
t_periastron 0 -828 956 -0.835 155
t_periastron_error 0 2.47e-07 5.2e+04 27.3 240
temperature_ratio 356132 0.00332 25.9 1.41 0.674
temperature_ratio_definition 356132 1 2 1.25 0.434
temperature_ratio_error 356132 4.41e-06 1.83e+03 0.0451 6.2

nss_vim_fl table

The data fields of nss_vim_fl are described in Section 20.6.4 and statistics are provided in Table 17.17.

Table 17.17: nss_vim_fl. Statistics for the 870 sources. Arrays in a data record are represented by their average (.avg), length (.len), maximum (.max), median (.med), minimum (.min) and the number of NaN elements (.nan), and the statistics are formed over these values.
Field name Null values Minimum Maximum Mean Std. dev.
astrometric_n_good_obs_al 0 177 991 447 142
astrometric_n_obs_al 0 177 992 448 143
bit_index 0 255 255 255 0
corr_vec 0 nan nan nan nan
corr_vec.avg 0 -0.115 0.154 -0.0331 0.0398
corr_vec.len 0 21 21 21 0
corr_vec.max 0 0.0736 1 0.334 0.16 0 -0.273 0.138 -0.0282 0.0476
corr_vec.min 0 -1 -0.0958 -0.415 0.148
corr_vec.nan 0 0 0 0 0
dec 0 -89.3 86.1 -3.92 45.2
dec_error 0 0.00778 0.0458 0.0171 0.00541
efficiency 0 0.276 0.979 0.871 0.0934
flags 0 0 192 60.4 16.6
goodness_of_fit 0 -3.6 25 10 6.98
obj_func 0 180 2.38e+03 847 395
parallax 0 0.449 5.91 1.24 0.595
parallax_error 0 0.0098 0.063 0.0223 0.00699
pmdec 0 -91.1 35.5 -2.94 9.96
pmdec_error 0 0.00992 0.0625 0.0211 0.00672
pmra 0 -57.5 69.3 -1.9 9.89
pmra_error 0 0.00726 0.0951 0.0226 0.00874
ra 0 0.957 359 198 96.8
ra_error 0 0.00621 0.0615 0.0179 0.00665
ref_flux_g 0 7.21e+03 2.09e+06 1.03e+05 1.52e+05
significance 0 20 161 39.1 19.6
solution_id 0 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 4.34e+18 0
source_id 0 5.53e+15 6.91e+18 3.72e+18 1.98e+18
vim_d_dec 0 -46.4 31.2 -0.167 7.33
vim_d_dec_error 0 0.0285 11.2 0.348 0.724
vim_d_ra 0 -45.6 90.1 0.158 8.54
vim_d_ra_error 0 0.0217 15.2 0.416 1.08