7.7.2 Properties of the input data

The input sources for LPV processing are the ones classified as MIRA_SR by the Classification processing (either with nTransits:2+ or with nTransits:20+ classifiers) which meet the following selection criteria:

  • a minimum number of 12 data points in the G-band. The maximum number of data points is 238. The limit on the number of good data points led to the exclusion of several nearby and bright LPVs.

  • a minimum number of 9 data points in the GRP-band.

  • a colour GBP-GRP>0.5 mag; (colour computed as median(GBP) - median(GRP))

  • a correlation between the G-band variability and the GBP-GRP colour larger than 0.5 mag. The correlation is computed using the Spearman algorithm.

  • a variability amplitude range in G larger than 0.2 mag. The variability amplitude is quantified by the trimmed range (at 95% level).

  • a minimum Abbe value (von Neumann (1941) and von Neumann (1942)) of 0.8 on the smoothed G light curve. The smoothed G light curve is computed in an iterative way by merging successive pairs of observations with time difference less than 5 days.